Monday, May 17, 2004


What sucks more than being poor? Being poor for an extended period of time. Just this month thanks to my kind in-laws we have not paid rent for two months, which inject about 700 a month into our budget. Before when we were paying rent all but 150-200 were accounted for so that would leave us with say 800 a month unaccounted for. Ah.. but where your poor just like when you don't sleep it all catches up to you. So many things that we've held off on because of our budget were now thinking of buying but just as soon as the money comes it seem that were going on a trip which I estimate at least 400 dollars... bear bones min. so that leave us with say 800 for the month. Now we really need tires to make this trip - 300. Leaving us with 100, now my wife and I tend to forget to tell each other about purchase so that give and take is about another 100... So in a month that we should be good were shittesque because of our held off purchases finally able to be purchased.. Really need to pass my test and start making money.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Kings v. Twolves

Ok Still have lots to do but the kings winning tonight makes me so happy and looking forward to Wenesday.