Thursday, August 18, 2005


A word that has the ablity to encompass many things. It is one of my favorite words, but what always facinates me the most about a movement or movements it that we typically don't realize they're happening when we're in them. We tend to focus on the beginings and the ends of movements however small or noticable. But as they say in the movie Garden State, your so in it right now. Its about being and transending the movement because as with most of life it is very fleating and short lived.

Speaking of movements- Ciuapilli recieved her first teacher praise today. her is the reproduced text of said note-

teacher Erin Sheahan-

Today at small group Ciuapilli worked with beads and string. She filled the entire string with the same color bead ! During the work time Ciuapilli tried many activities such as puzzles, experimenting with musical instruments, and playing with friends in the pretend area.
Ms. Sheahan

So proud of our daughter, she's seems to be adjusting well. I was not that excited about her going but she enjoys the new surroundings and active attention she gets. And as her nerdy parents I think she like school. But were hands off and not pushing her into calculus just yet but we might get ansy one of these days. For the movement of Ciuapilli's education in academics and larger society has begun. Heres for hoping for the best.!!