so many reasons why, but the death under his watch (culture of life my ass) is ridiuculous. This country is ashamed of what is done in our name and rightly so. The world is ashamed of us, understanding but nonetheless disheartened. How could this happen in America? Too many issues, but all F*d up in my opinion. Bush should be impeached for this crap. Don't blame the mayor of New Orleans or Govenor. They have very limited resources, FEMA is suppose to step up and do what needs to be done that hasn't happened and people's heads should roll.
I did not put up a pilli picture this week because there was nothing bigger than this in my eyes. Few chicanos are suffering, but there are some. Most of them are very recent imigrants and I hope the Mexican counluate can help them and find them. Poor white people are suffering too.
For all the great things this country does and has done, this is not one of them. I hope this makes the entire country reflect on our definencies and tries to correct them by giving up on the so called compasionate conservatives and this enboldend the Left to fight for our rights and humanity.
Kanye West is the man telling it like it is, plus his album is great!