Saturday, June 04, 2005

Look alike?

Two things here, one do I look like Kumar from the White Castle movie, two, if you don't know what I'm talking about go rent this hillarious movie. I'm a business hippie.Posted by Hello

Pilli Blogging Friday/Saturdays

Ciua showing off Mari's going away present. Posted by Hello

Pilli in a cutie dress. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Avenal Love

One of my favorite memories of summer in Avenal. The High School pool. 1 Dollar to get you wet.

The summer program is set to run from June 7 through Aug. 19 and will be open six day per week - Tuesday through Sunday.

As in the past, the pool will be closed on Mondays to allow for the maintenance person to service the pool - clean, etc.

Community Activities director Sheila Verdugo presented the pool schedule that she devised for the program, utilizing the pool from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. six days per week.

Public swim will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, with a 15 minute break from 2 to 2:15 p.m.

There will be an "early bird gets to swim" for 17 and up on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 9:30 is "mature adult lap swim" for 55 and up.

"Family soak up the sun and have fun night" is scheduled for Friday and Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m., with regular night swimming the other nights of the week.

Cost to swim is $1.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Pilli, Grama Estela and Great-Granmother Atilana. Posted by Hello

Pilli and Lety in the OC Posted by Hello

Vindia whoring out her little dog. Please email me for more info and pricing. Posted by Hello

Still at Gaby's Memorial Sunday Party. Posted by Hello

Alvaro being the Mayan Posted by Hello

Gaby and John, picture by Alvaro. Posted by Hello

Jackie about to play the congos. Posted by Hello

Over at Liz's house watching the Chavez fight. Posted by Hello

Compadre y comadre. Leonora and me. Posted by Hello

The three year couple, Edgar and Alex. Posted by Hello

After a long day and a good pipe, Curious George went to bed. Posted by Hello

Isn't music cool? Posted by Hello

Erine getting intelectual, and spitting some game. Posted by Hello

Alex showing some tounge. Posted by Hello

Pimping ain't easy. Posted by Hello

One thing stick out in this pictures guess what? Posted by Hello

Far view of our outing Posted by Hello

3M not the company the Marisols...its like they clone them but in different sizes. Posted by Hello

Yale Alumni day at the Park. Posted by Hello

Just chilling at the park. Posted by Hello

Sergio making an appearance. Posted by Hello

from last week Posted by Hello