Saturday, March 07, 2009

Wicked Sucess!!

So on Thursday night we set out at 7pm to the Orpheum Theater in SF for the 8pm showing of Wicked. After dressing up and making it over the Bay Bridge we arrived with 15 mintutes to spare. Once in our seats Pilli was a bit blase about the event as she didn't really know what to expect. We admired the building, ate some snacks and remarked on the stage and all its various parts. Having been in the mists of a long and eventful week this was the great climax. Once the show began Mari and I were both enthralled while Pilli was trying to grasp the words in the songs and all the activity at once. Since we sat in the Balcony we were right under the Main spotlights and Pilli would look up to see the stagecraft that created the illusions on stage. The first few dark numbers were not that inspiring to her but once the college/high school musical parts began she beamed with joy at the song and dance. From there on we enjoyed the Musical until the last half hour when Pilli's long overdue bedtime became a drag on her and she told me she was sleepy but still wanted to finish watching. Overwelmed at all the events from the show she fell asleep once we got home and ask if next time we could go when it wasn't a school night.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Closing in on 500

So although not all the post since I've started this are true posts, mostly pictures, I am at 490 in terms of posts to this blog.  It got me thinking that one I would have reached that much sooner had I tried to write more consistanly but that I need to use this more as an outlet for my thoughts and mind.  Plus I need to bring back the Pilli blogging she is so big now at 7 years old but we've been so busy and lazy that its tough to do it so regularly.  I will be trying have lots of things to write and little time to do it.  I'm exicted because Nnamdi is going to visit and just chill next week, Mari is finishing the Masters part of her PHD and pilli is that star of the week.  Ezra just was in town last weekend and we had a great Karaoke night with my long lost prima/tia Blanca who lives in the City, it was grand.  Well back to work for a bit then I'll be back to preview our family night.