Here's the story of New Years. Had a crazy day before and at midnight. I enjoyed it very much. My uncle Cruz came to help show some cattle at the
Arizona National Livestock Show for his ranch he works with the
Spanish Ranch in the Mountains north of Santa Barbara. Since some jerk stole my cellphone I was phoneless for about a week and didn't know if my uncle had finally gotten to phoenix. So I didn't know he was here till his last day here the last day of the year. It was fun and I did take tons of pictures unfortunately I deleted them along with a ton of picture from Walter Jr.'s going away party and our Christmas pictures... Very bummed. But as a whole we had a very good christmas season and a good going way party even is mari wanted to fight or kick out most of the party goers. We ended the year seeing our good friend Amy and decided that we needed to make big changes this year or forever hold our peace. I gave mari an engagement ring with additional promises for each of us. (The bling bling will soon be on the blog.)
Plus the biggest news is that pilli is going to be on vacation for the first half of this year. Yes we decided to send her to my parents for the semester so that we could go to school and hopefully save some money. And now for the pictures. (Pictures not working ... will be up later might go to cali this weekend)