No not the really bad Britney movie but more like the theme of my life. Again I'm at a crossroads, although I've been running into this street before it feels as if there is a huge sign in the road that says "Next gas 200 miles" I my case this crossroad may not be gas but some bit of the future. California is where we've been planning to move for the last 2 years. I've been on and off the ball about getting there but the last few weeks has created a perfect storm in terms of needing to do what I'm going to do to get to the WESTSIDE. My ideal situation would be to move close to the central valley with a good paying job, the difficult thing is that that's not really very viable in the economy of the central valley. So I'm going to cast my net very wide and hope for the best, going to apply to jobs which call for some experiance I don't have but would gain in less then a month.
At the moment I am laidoff until July, which is difficult money wise but because I've been lowering our credit card debt is not really as painful as it otherwise would be. But the wild card in this recurring crossroad the when and where. I want to support Marisol's grad school application process but the time has come to make a large scale change. Ciuapilli is at a good age to move and god knows I'm ready to go. Speaking of going I may be gone next week with Ciuapilli in Mexico for a few weeks, I hope to come back by the 1st of July but we'll see.