Saturday, November 12, 2005

Intresting day

Ciuapilli's Great Grandfather Silva has had a small heart attack today. And I'm going to be the photographer at a wedding this evening. Hoping for a speed recovery for my Grandfather inlaw.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Poll Worker

So last Tuesday I was a poll worker in AZ. We had 152 people come and vote and the day started for me at 5:30 and ended at 7:30. Long boring day... but I did get to read some and talk to some very nice and intresting older people. Heard the discontent people had with Bush and the intergal part that programs like Medicare, Social Security and Vetrans benifets are to our older generation. They deserve it and I think the entire population does but to hear about it from people whom it impacts everyday was something quite refreshing. The one thing I think that is really needed in our democracy is for there to be more participating. I was thinking because as great as our older generations are sometime there not as able to do the poll working but the fact is that they are the most willing and avalible to work. See this So what I think should happen is we make it like jury duty and asign people to there local polls plus offer free coupons to people that vote. Which I think would get more people intrested and involved. Needless to say I'm excited for the victory from Democrats but its only the begininng.
One thing that does bug me is that we as a country are enjoying the riots in France which to me is actually the pissed off nature of people responding toward France for the Iraq crap which we all now know is CRAP. Remember be nice because KARMA is a B*tch.

Monday, November 07, 2005


going to work a local polling place for today's election should be boring but I plan on reading and actually getting some paper work done. Will write about what should be done to help our democracy.