Saturday, June 03, 2006

Snakes in AVENAL!! Plus Ciuapilli Picture Blogging

Tony says:
sorry we were outside
Tony says:
there was a garden snake
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
but you are promoted
Tony says:
we went to take it out to the fields
Tony says:
Tony says:
i got puro easy classes
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
where was the snake?
Tony says:
in the front yard
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
back or front
Tony says:
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
Tony says:
small but long
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
did pilli see it?
Tony says:
Tony says:
she wanted to put water on it
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
she get scared
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
Tony says:
put we took it to the fields
Tony says:
Tony says:
i dont know why you know how pilli is
Pancho Lopez de la O says:
like get the hose and drown it?
Tony says:
i dont know
Tony says:
mom was the one that told me
Tony says:
maybe with her watering can

Louie and the Lovers

From Salinias in Echo Valleyone of the original Chicano bands of 1970 produced by the country legend Doug Sahm has a cool 60s 70s creedence clear water revival feel with some Chicanismos intermixed. This is the bands only major label album and they kinda faded after the music scence changed but this CHICANO band was rocking it with the Chicano Movement of old. Kinda wish they'd done some songs about the farm workers but all in all the album rocks and if your cool with some country twangs this album is an intresting representation of the Chicano diaspera even at its start when in our memories it apears so very much monothic in nature. I guess thats just how we remember things.

PS- don't know how I feel about the statement that Texas is such a mellow place. But the song ROYAL OAKIE, is great cuz the chours is "Everyone is stoned at Royal oakie park, everyones having a good time we all love royal oakie park. Play for me Brown fingers!"

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Man severs his penis to prove faithfulness

Associated Press
May. 31, 2006 10:14 AM KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A man who apparently severed his penis in an attempt to convince his wife that he was faithful to her was recovering after surgery to reattach the organ at a northern Malaysian hospital, a news report said Tuesday.

The 41-year-old man, who was not identified, got into an argument last Friday with his wife, who found a text message on his mobile phone from another woman. The man was heard by his son shouting that he wanted to prove he was not having an affair, the New Straits Times reported.

The assertion was followed by loud screams and the man emerged from his room bleeding profusely, his 14-year-old son quoted as saying. His wife rushed him to hospital.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I was on a plane and there were SNAKES>>>>> ----------------->>>> but I survived will there be a sequel... tune in friday night to find out!

Monday, May 29, 2006


So today I"m taking off to New mexico for work. Not terribly excited but it should be fun never have been north of the I-10 there. Otherwise been working on things for the future think they should go well seeing that the present money making is too agrivating to contend with NVS sucks. My involvement with politics will be increasing hopefully on a successful level. still pilli dreaming since she's in California now going on 6 months and with mari's broken tooth and the resulting bills and gas we haven't had a chance to go west. But the blogging will continue even if its on and off. I hope the House does not add all that Bullshit to the Immigration bill and nuestra gente gets a chance to be here legally. But never be surprised what fear and hatred makes people do. Peace will be in NEW MEXICO till Friday.

Plus a late mothers day present from her kids was taking her to a Vicente Fernandez concert in Fresno which I hear was great and my mom loved. Viva Chente!! who look just like my dad.