Monday, May 29, 2006


So today I"m taking off to New mexico for work. Not terribly excited but it should be fun never have been north of the I-10 there. Otherwise been working on things for the future think they should go well seeing that the present money making is too agrivating to contend with NVS sucks. My involvement with politics will be increasing hopefully on a successful level. still pilli dreaming since she's in California now going on 6 months and with mari's broken tooth and the resulting bills and gas we haven't had a chance to go west. But the blogging will continue even if its on and off. I hope the House does not add all that Bullshit to the Immigration bill and nuestra gente gets a chance to be here legally. But never be surprised what fear and hatred makes people do. Peace will be in NEW MEXICO till Friday.

Plus a late mothers day present from her kids was taking her to a Vicente Fernandez concert in Fresno which I hear was great and my mom loved. Viva Chente!! who look just like my dad.

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