Friday, April 30, 2004

My Daughter's Courage

Today I took care of another 2 year old for about 10 hours. It was an enlightening experience to say the least. I have been a bit conserned about my daughter not speaking full sentences and still babbling baby talk mixed in with some real words. This other baby girl speak well for a 2 year old, very articulite. So as a father I felt like damn my baby is behind, but through the course of the day I saw how my daughter's own character made me feel like she's growing up on the right track. The other little girl has seldom been taken care of outside of her home or with any male. Ciuapilli has only been taken care of by family and only randomly. They are too very head strong kids but good kids nonetheless. The little girl was scare of me the first time I took care of her and not that much today. But every once in a while she would feel lonely and cry for her mom, Ciuapilli (for better or worse) doesn't really get that sad when were gone she just wants to go with us initially. The we went to the park and the girls had a blast, but the little girl was scared by the other kids in the park. Meanwhile Ciuapilli was running around saying hi and setting her own trail when it came to playing. The other girl was scared and need me to be around the whole time. Ciuapilli feel a few time and even mocked herself falling, which had me laughing and angry cuz of all the sand she was getting filled with. Nevertheless, this day of childcare actually opened my eyes to the strenghts of my daughter that I appreciate and bearly noticed till I dealt with a kid that was struggling with them for a day, not to say this little girl doesn't have these strenghts but because she has only been taken care of a few times I understand but it gave me a comparasion.

Ciuapilli vibes with me. She can entertain herself and be by herself for sometime. Her not talking is actually a godsend... back talking kids are a pain cuz 1. they back talk and 2. there kids so you can't put that much on what there saying but damn it pisses you off sometimes. Ciuapilli is really not as much a pain as I though she once was, when put in perspective she really is a very well behaved curious little girl who is as brave as can be, I really can't remember the last time she was scared of anything. (She electrocuted herself two weeks ago in a random plug we hadn't covered and she was by it the other day and hit it but nothing else, no fear no nothing. The other thing I feel in my gut with my baby and was probably acentuated by the fear of the other girl is the trust Ciuapilli has in the people that love her, not just me but her mom, grandparents and aunts and uncles. This above all made my day. To know that my daughter will grow up with faith and trust in the people that love her and hopefully in the world around her, will help her be a very strong Chicana with lots of love for her parents and fellow man. Especially in a world were fear has been commodified to the point that its an accepted part of our lives. I hope the fear of life never overtakes my daughter.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Chicano Art

Just got back from a Art Panel at ASU West with some famous Chicano artist. I was very cool to listen to some Old School Chicano's take on stuff of the moment, mostly where the Chicano movement has been and is going. Ciuapilli was her cute self saying hi to everyone. And the panelist were great, talked about the new paradigm the exsist for Mexican kids that don't take on Chicano as an Idenity but that there is still the need to educate and enlighten them.

My last point is kinda stupid but I wanted to mention it anyways, Jose Mantoya and his brother MalaquĆ­as Montoya were part of the panel and MalaquĆ­as Montoya had come for a Yale Confrence MEChA put on. Which reminded me of a thought I had when he came last time, with his hat and the way he semi-slouches made me think of him and now his brother as that cousin of Snoop from Peanuts. You know the one with the hat and the moustache. :) I love Chicanos.

Oh no!

There on to us!! CABRON! Mierda!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

My Political Roots

Anyone who knows me knows that I have an endless curiosity for what we call politics. I can never get enough, to me it is as simple as understanding the reason why people do the things that they do, basically the reasoning behind things. And to me our government is (or should be) the decision making organization that our society/nation relies upon to maintain and give direction to our country. That being said I am very much a liberal minded person and am not and will not be a shamed to say that, but I don't believe in being so much or one mind or ideology that you never listen or consider or people's opinions, especially since our humanity causes us to be wrong like 30% of the time.

Needless to say the past experiences of people dictates a lot of what people will believe and how they will act. That is such a natural thing that we tend to forget about it. So that people that read this blog better understand me I will try to summaries my past so people can understand my view on the present and future.

I am a Chicano. Not the sit on the front porch and work on my lowrider Chicano (although I'd like to do that one day). I am a Yale educated Chicano, who is married to another Chicana with a two year old little Chicana. (yes I'm using the terms Chicano and Chicana interchangeably, not that I don't understand the difference). I am from Avenal, California in Central California. First generation Mexican, from parents that are originally from Huejuquilla in Central Mexico. Have lived a kind of an immigrants-American Dream that has come full circle back to Mexico. Since a lot of immigrants come here for the economic benefit of working and "say" they'll go back once they have enough, most stay because of family, and comfort in the US. My family has put up an enormous struggle to not assimilate and to keep the last part of that dream a reality. 10 day after I was born my family went back to Mexico and on average 2 times a year for most of my life I traveled back (in time it seemed) to Mexico to continually work on our family cattle ranch that survived while we were not there. This coupled with the parental disagreement over the role of Mexico for the family's future ensured a very conflicted vision of Mexico in the grander scheme of my life in my eyes. I love it and hate it at the same time, but I do know that through blood and circumstance I am inevitably linked/bonded with Mexico and my hometown in California. I am a Scorpio if that helps. I am will enjoy my 10 year anniversary of being a Chicano this summer, which happened at a summer conference called CLYLP Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Project that helped free my head from the sand, (check out the link my sister's picture is front and center with the Chicana Power shirt I got her :)) and exposed me to the litany of Chicano culture, life and its spirituality. I had a "Save by the Bell" type of High School experience but with everyone being Mexican; I'm one of those people that loved High School. Went on to Yale where I continued the Chicano Power stuff while studying Politics. Political Science is not my best subject at all, history is, but I feel that it is imperative to understand power structures through organizations, policies and all other Political shit (i.e. economic, efficacy) so that people with little or no power can find some justice in this world.

Okay, its late and I know this post is more streaming thought but I do want to make it a habit which will mutually enlighten everyone that reads and posts to this blog. PS- Great Picture of Spring time Yale at Angela's Blog (check out her link underneath the picture). PD- feel free to negate or add to this in the comments section, ARRIBA!