Saturday, June 10, 2006

The power of SI ! That's the word

I found this special so take a second to read all my cynical friends.

He closed his speech on an apparently semi-serious note, urging the grads to learn how to say "yes." He noted that saying yes will sometimes get them in trouble or make them look like a fool. But he added: "Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don't learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blinder, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us.

"Cynics always say no. But saying yes begins things. Saying yes is how things grow. Saying yes leads to knowledge. Yes is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say yes.

"And that's The Word."

Friday Pilli Blogging

Posted them a little late but there up!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Tony my brother graduated/promoted/completed middle school and at the ceremony spoke in English and Spanish. humm nobody told him the what the national language is? j/k I am proud of him and wished I was there but he is a smart intelligent almost 14 year old. With him finishing middle school, Cindy Princeton, and Dido going to Claremount this is a very good week for the Lopez family educational trac. America dreaming...

oh and this about gay mariage, let them get married!

Jon Stewart hammers Bill Bennett

I shouldn't be surprised anymore when I see Jon Stewart take a conservative ideologue to the woodshed because he does it every time when he tries. Bill Bennett is the latest one to get played by Stewart. The topic is gay marriage and once again Jon gets the better of a conservative pundit.

Video-WMP Video-QT (not the whole segment)

(rough transcript)

Stewart: So why not encourage gay people to join in in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?

Bennett: Well I think if people are already members of families...

Stewart: What? (almost spitting out his drink)

Bennett: They're sons and they're daughters..

Stewart: So that's where the buck stops, that's the gay ceiling.

Bennett Look, it's a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a women.

Stewart:I disagree, I think it's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish.

Wasn't that a basic yet perfectly thought out idea? It goes downhill for Bennett from there.

I think for most of us-we're so used to these right wing talking heads debating against lame duck liberals on television that always get bull dozed by personalities such as Bennett; we are then amazed how effortlessly Stewart handles these guys. Jon always boils the debate down to it's simplest form which usually causes people like Bennett to look foolish. It doesn't say much for the class of pundits representing Democratic values when Stewart so easily defeats them.


Colbert Tells College Graduates: Get Your Own TV Show

Colbert Tells College Graduates: Get Your Own TV Show

If anyone has the video to this please send it along.

E&P: "At the close of his commencement speech before 250 graduates (and 4000 others) at tiny Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. on Saturday, satirist Stephen Colbert left them with a piece of advice: Get your own TV show. “It pays well," he observed, "the hours are great and you have fans. Eventually, some nice people will give you an honorary degree for doing jack squat."

His suggestions for securing the U.S.-Mexico border went beyond walls to include moats, fiery moats and fiery moats with fire-proof crocodiles. He added that the border with Canada also has to be secure so Canadians cannot bring their "skunky beer" into the country. He backed English as the official language of the United States — “God wrote (the Bible) in English for a reason: So it could be taught in our public on"

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Cellphone coverage in Avenal

It suck in Avenal to have a cellphone no towers but here is maybe the start of them having coverage.

Verizon request denied by local school district

File photo
Crews are preparing to erect the communication tower at the Reef-Sunset Unified School District during this past spring break. The three towers in the district - next to the adult school, on top of the hill and at Kettleman City Elementary - are now completed and ready to be used to communicate with the county. Here district staff signs a section of the tower before it is put in place. (June 7, 2006)
The long awaited communication towers for the Reef-Sunset Unified School District are now completely installed and ready to be used for sending signals from Avenal to Kettleman City and to Hanford.

Along with use by the school district and Kings County, according to Business Manager, Michelle Cutillo, there are three vacant spots on the towers to be used for communication. She added that some spots, such as emergency communications, etc. were already taken

“The one in Kettleman has more spots,” she noted.

At the recent board meeting, Verizon Wireless had a request with the district to hold a spot on the tower for them for up to twelve months.

Along with the request was an offer from Verizon to pay the district $2,000 to hold that spot.

Cutillo told the board the county is recommending “that we not hold the spot.”

The county, according to Cutillo, is in negotiations with Cingular and Nextel for use of the tower, and if the spot were to be held for the $2,000 the district would be losing revenue.

The going rate is around $500 per month, Cutillo told the board.

With a denial, the county can go to Verizon and tell them the spot is being considered by other entities.

The board voted to deny Verizon’s request.

Arlene Santino


(June 7, 2006)

Thoughts of...

SO today I saw a flower and it reminded me of Annete, aka, the Flower Lady of New Haven. It reminded me of a terrible day I had had and was walking back to the apartment toward Mari and baby Ciuapilli. Without noticing I bumped into Annete selling her $1 flowers and her smile. I didn't have any cash and frowning she said, " You go give this flower to your pretty baby and tell your wife I say hello". Just like that she made my day 10x better and I had a flower for my ladies. Just remembering.


Cindy Loomis 2006

Congratualtion to Cindy my cousin that graduated from Princeton to day I think, coming from an immigrant family, I'm so very proud of her and hope her family is having a blast up in Jersey.

Also props to Dido for getting into the Claremount college! you go girl!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Stealing Mexican baby and killing mexicans

This scares me, a lady in Texas stoled a 5 day old baby from her mother, thank god they got her back but still the story is crazy and the young Mexican couple reminds me of our Ciuapilli. This family is the future of American and just like that someone else tries to take it away. Priscilla Nicole Maldonado in this newborn picture looks really similar to Ciuapilli when she was born.

(Photoblogger is not working so here's the links)
First the news article check out the picture of the baby.
Seconded here's a picture of pilli at birth

I'm glad the Media took this story into account and I hope they don't get too many crazies calling out the fact that this mexican couple almost lost there baby to some crazy lady, while distracting that they are also members of our society. ... Scary times

PS- more scary times - yale wasn't sucky enough to self

Self-mutilation rampant at 2 Ivy League schools

Survey: 17 percent at Cornell and Princeton purposely cut themselves

something I just saw that makes me wanna cry is this botched robbery where they killed all the family in the midwest. Can america stop being afraid of the Scary Brown people from down south? WE ARE PEOPLE TOO and AMERICAN or as the tigres del norte would say SOMOS MAS AMERICANOS

Indianapolis suspect 'started shooting everybody'
All five people in this photo were slain.

Indianapolis suspect 'started shooting everybody'

The slayings of seven family members in Indianapolis last week unfolded when one victim returned home and drew a weapon as two gunmen were ransacking the house, according to documents filed by prosecutors. After a shot was fired, one of the gunmen "started shooting everybody," police were told.

Que descansen en paz.


another copy and paste but its a good one.

Assclown cowards

This is the fucking problem

JimWolcott wrote the following

If the New Yorker is wiser and more dovish three years later, it's because it isn't so untethered from reality that it can't recognize when mistakes have been made, lies have been revealed, and a brutal, disastrous folly has been committed. It's seen what an unholy hell Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld have made of Iraq. It's the warbloggers who are insulated, hunkered in their backyard foxholes and waging a tired, irrelevant culture war against imaginary enemies on the effete left. Horsefeathers writes, "Multiculturalism is a form of self flattery, a 'We are the World' incantation, designed to calm the frightened upper west side liberal." Speaking as an Upper West Side liberal, I can tell you that we're not the fraidy cats who have been cowering under the porch since 9/11, and that multiculturalism isn't "a form of self flattery," it's a metropolitan fact of life. We're not nearly as preoccupied with ourselves as the amateur anthropolgists on the right are. Oh well, they have to work out their feelings of inadequacy on somebody, and I guess we're it.

Jim is being nice.

You know what happened in the week after 9/11? New Yorkers buried our dead, did so for a year, and went back to work. These pussies in their gated communities saw every brown skin as someone who would blow up their fucking strip mall and kill their precious little brats.

They're the fucking cowards, they shit themselves when the Sikhs pump their gas, they worry about a brown tide coming from Mexico, they live in a world of fear and cower everytime Bush says boo.

New Yorkers don't. We're sick of Bush's war, not because we're pacifists, but because Osama is still fucking alive. At the end of the day, I could give a shit about Iraq. If the Iraqis are stupid enough to start a civil war, that's their problem. I care about Osama and the fact that his podcasts are still running three years later and so does New York.

I'm tired of 9/11 being used to justiifed the gated little cowards racist pogroms. Michelle Malkin is now ranting about "anchor babies"

You wanna talk about Koreans born in the US, you should talk about Americans born in Korea. The thousands of orphans born to US GI's and Korean women and abandonded. THE reason the Pearl S. Buck Foundation was founded. Because the US government placed no value on their Korean-American offspring. Nor did they with Vietnamese-Americans or Filipino-Americans. Treated like garbage at home, the US government had to be shamed into letting these Americans come to America.

I think it is safe to say they add up to more than 5,000 people.

If these shitbags think we're cowering, they should think again.Jean Rohe's speech at the New School was not about peace and love, but why Osama's head wasn't on a pike, while Bush chased his manhood in Iraq. That's the problem. Osama being free while we murder Iraqi children and let the Heritage Foundation play government with other people's lives.

Multiculturalism is what happens when you live in the world and not behind a gate.

posted by Steve @ 12:40:00 AM

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