Ok here's an update for all those friends and relatives checking out the blog, Pilli pictures will go up Saturday morning sorry for the daily. Actually been a bit busy. Been looking for jobs in California and working on a paper I should have finished 3 years ago. Actually wrote about 2 pages and have got some good agruments to build which should give me the required 25+ pages. I'm personally gunning for around 30 pages but shit the min is all I need. These last few years has been marred by lots of false starts and half ass efforts at getting myself out slumps and selfhattred, but I never realized the depths of my life changes. I've been blessed to be part of two wonderful family's that have helped and supported us and me more than I ever wanted any other people to help, grudgingly but grateful they have keep this young family together.
I'm kinda in this reflective pensive mode because I wanted to take a break and blog a small tid bit but the reflexitions took over. Partly because I had a chance to go to Mexico this weekend but in the end decided I have not worked hard enough or finished enough to deserve going. All these things overly effect my family and its time for me to take those negative effect and stop them from happening to la familia. As they say I've made my bed and now I've got to burn the motherfucker down! My bed is this situation I'm in because of me not finishing things in a timely fashion, not because I couldn't but because I didn't want to stubbornly, I knew and know what I was doing, that shit is stopping now and the tide will be turned. Sadly this boat has gone farther out to Sea than this old man expected, found some things I didn't expect to find but now the will to fight back to port is nessasary for the next part of the adventure to matter. Con la ayuda de dios y mi espirito santo. Si se puede.

I like the pics. They transmit, for some odd reason, a sense of peace ;)
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