Thursday, July 14, 2005

Death in the family

About 30 minutes ago I found out my sick uncle passed away. His long struggle with a bad liver made his last years rather difficult and despite the sadness of his light being dimmed, I do pray that is soul will rest in peace. I was not close to him as he married into my Lopez family but he is my sister's godfather, she was closer. We saw him 10 days ago when we went to LA for the 4th of July. I feel glad having been able to see and say goodbye to him. Now the rituals.

Funny I find comfort in the rituals of the culture and catholic church, in many ways it makes the alienaiting emotion of sorrow a public rite. I stumbled upon the Jewish rituals for mourning and it intruged me, its called "sitting shiva" click there for a full explaination from Wikipedia, its rather fitting I think. Especially this,
During this time, family members traditionally gather in one home and receive visitors. It is considered a great mitzvah, or commandment, of loving kindness and compassion to pay a home visit to the mourners.

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