I do believe that our president has overstepped his boundries. I said on Sept. 11 while watching the replay in the evening that this president would turn himself into a quasi dicator because we are at war. Never did I believe I would be completely correct in my assessment. The only thing that is keeping the contreversy from really blowing up is fear. This fear is a slippery slope that the White House has ridden all the way to this point. Remember he has a mandate 51% of people in this country trusted him with the command of this country and yet he still is failing the Union's people. His war presidency was barely renewed as a magizine subscription you find too bothersome to cancel so you just let it renew itself automaticly. Plus with a Congress completely controled by the Right for the last 6 years and the house for more than a decade we should be happy and in the mist of the most optimistic time in the country. Well it maybe for the rich and famous but the majority is not. Somehow people continue to get laidoff and Katrina did a number to an entire region but the unemployment keeps going down. Someway I beleive before Bush leave the white house (if he leaves) the Unemployment rate will reach 0% yes everyone will be working. How I don't know but that the way the number are going so just be happy. But as I was arguing with someone this weekend, dictatorships are bad. Sure they mitigate regional differences sometime such as Yugoslavia or Iraq, they nonetheless cause pain and represhion for sector of society that are not favored. I don't favor Fidel Castro being a leftist dictator, the dictator is wrong. I am reading a biography of Linclon our 13th president, he repeatedly speaks of the United States as a grand experiment in self-governance, he knew and fought for that experiment to continue and estimated that the experiment would be exported around the world. Well it has been but much as the United States continually deals with its present realities so do the countries that attempt or are forced to adopt democracy. Nevertheless, in fully fledged or even controled sections, self-governance is the only legitimet governing in this world. A government and nation that is respondent to its population and not to the business world or the WTO or foriegn intrest. This is why globalization is scary for many and why it should also be a source of hope. Democracy will help this world realize its potencial but the fasist/dictatorship and Kleptocracy severly dimishes that potencial people in this world have. Therefore a dictatorship no matter what ideological side is evil and wrong and must be actively fought for the shear reason that people are entitled by god to self-governance.
Thanks to Elderd for making me write this hope he or someone comments.
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Bibi I'm sorry about that I've uploaded it onto another host. Sorry I do love your blog by the way.
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