Tony my brother graduated/promoted/completed middle school and at the ceremony spoke in English and Spanish. humm nobody told him the what the national language is? j/k I am proud of him and wished I was there but he is a smart intelligent almost 14 year old. With him finishing middle school, Cindy Princeton, and Dido going to Claremount this is a very good week for the Lopez family educational trac. America dreaming...
oh and this about gay mariage, let them get married!
Jon Stewart hammers Bill Bennett
Video-WMP Video-QT (not the whole segment)
(rough transcript)
Stewart: So why not encourage gay people to join in in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?
Bennett: Well I think if gay..gay people are already members of families...
Stewart: What? (almost spitting out his drink)
Bennett: They're sons and they're daughters..
Stewart: So that's where the buck stops, that's the gay ceiling.
Bennett Look, it's a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a women.
Stewart:I disagree, I think it's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish.
Wasn't that a basic yet perfectly thought out idea? It goes downhill for Bennett from there.
I think for most of us-we're so used to these right wing talking heads debating against lame duck liberals on television that always get bull dozed by personalities such as Bennett; we are then amazed how effortlessly Stewart handles these guys. Jon always boils the debate down to it's simplest form which usually causes people like Bennett to look foolish. It doesn't say much for the class of pundits representing Democratic values when Stewart so easily defeats them.
Colbert Tells College Graduates: Get Your Own TV Show
Colbert Tells College Graduates: Get Your Own TV Show
If anyone has the video to this please send it along.
E&P: "At the close of his commencement speech before 250 graduates (and 4000 others) at tiny Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. on Saturday, satirist Stephen Colbert left them with a piece of advice: Get your own TV show. “It pays well," he observed, "the hours are great and you have fans. Eventually, some nice people will give you an honorary degree for doing jack squat."
His suggestions for securing the U.S.-Mexico border went beyond walls to include moats, fiery moats and fiery moats with fire-proof crocodiles. He added that the border with Canada also has to be secure so Canadians cannot bring their "skunky beer" into the country. He backed English as the official language of the United States — “God wrote (the Bible) in English for a reason: So it could be taught in our public schools....read on"
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