From Salinias in Echo Valleyone of the original Chicano bands of 1970 produced by the country legend Doug Sahm has a cool 60s 70s creedence clear water revival feel with some Chicanismos intermixed. This is the bands only major label album and they kinda faded after the music scence changed but this CHICANO band was rocking it with the Chicano Movement of old. Kinda wish they'd done some songs about the farm workers but all in all the album rocks and if your cool with some country twangs this album is an intresting representation of the Chicano diaspera even at its start when in our memories it apears so very much monothic in nature. I guess thats just how we remember things.
PS- don't know how I feel about the statement that Texas is such a mellow place. But the song ROYAL OAKIE, is great cuz the chours is "Everyone is stoned at Royal oakie park, everyones having a good time we all love royal oakie park. Play for me Brown fingers!"
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