Wednesday, December 09, 2009

a reflection

with the rise and fall of the great bi-racial class of famous people like Tiger woods and my recent discovery of Stuff Educated Chicano a pattern that I still haven't put my head around is surely happening. From the Super Racial/ reaction of the new Post-Racial political world by the Tea Party folks the landscape of race in the United States is completely in flux. Granted that any landscape of race is evolving and de-evolving with and in contradition to the times but in this time of the watershed moment of Obama comes the simmering and full blown reaction to the change and new found resentment of the unknown future for all cultural groups. The neutering of the left poltical culture has a void that has been capitalized on by a viciam hood obessed society and political movement that values the Loudest winnier over the morally or jusifibly correct without much limits to they're tantrums. Yes republican/ tea baggers I mean you.

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