Friday, June 04, 2004

So this was one of the best weeks I've had in a very long time. Saw my family and all my friends with minimal drama. It marks for the first time that I've gone back to Cali and things turn out great. I guess that means things where I'm at are good, and in fact they are. I'm 2 weeks away from starting my job full time. And on top of that it feel like it will be a good job for me at this juncutre of my life. So Pancho is getting his groove back, little by little, I'm causious because I've felt this way before and lost it. But the trip to California I thinks shows how solid this feeling is for not just me but my wife Mari as well. Still need to work hard to get to the place we want to be but that place doesn't seem so far away as it did maybe a year ago. Got some money in the bank and otherwise heatlh is good. Seeing friends reminded me of me long ago. In friendship that have streched nearly a decade it seems wierd that our friendship have countinued. But I guess for me being from Avenal where everyone grows up with a small circle and you have friendship that last over decades, so for my Yale friends to fall into that makes me feel good, kinda complete cuz it like its suppose to be that way. I found most of my friends in good places or at least moving towards good positive places. Plus my best high school and hometown friend Ethan has a stable job with which to provide for his one year old mohawked baby boy. Life is good, and we must thank the earth and sun for their blessings.

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