Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Progress in Avenal

one day I will move back but at least it will be new and improved.

Job nearing completion

Joe Santino/The Progress
As of Monday afternoon traffic was still being controlled by four-way stop signs at the intersection of Seventh Avenue and Skyline Boulevard. (November 2, 2005)
Confusion reigned last week, as the striping was added to the one mile of newly resurfaced State Route 269/Skyline Boulevard through Avenal and the new traffic light was turned on to a blinking red light.

Completion of this job has been anxiously awaited for several reasons to give some drivers a clue as to how to proceed through the intersection and get some light on the intersection.

To install the traffic control lights, street lights were removed - making for a very dark intersection - and with the stop light turned on there is once again light at the intersection.

Although a blinking red light was confusing to some drivers, many more got the idea that the intersection was now a 4-way stop. Some were not sure when it was their time to proceed, while others moved through with caution.

At council last Thursday, Community Development director Steve Sopp reported the green light was to be turned on Friday, but that did not happen. It did give local drivers the weekend to get used to having to stop in all four directions before proceeding through the intersection.

Delay of getting the roadway striped and the light turned on was not caused by Caltrans, it was a contractor and the delay is costing him money.

The traffic light was paid for through a Safe Routes to School grant. A second grant that was first discussed for a light at Skyline and San Joaquin Street, is being used to purchase a new street sweeper. The sweeper has been received and will soon be put into service.

Arlene Santino, Editor

(November 2, 2005)

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