Thursday, February 02, 2006


Diane Di Prima is a poet of Italian American heritage, and a wonderful beautiful beat poet from the 60's going to write and post some stuff from the 60's. Getting into a very 60's ish vibe... change, fight the power. I"m on the lookout for some Mexician stuff, please help if you know of any. She wrote a book that was entitled Revolutionary Letters. Enjoy.
H ey man let’s make a revolution, let’s give
every man a thunderbird
color TV, a refrigerator, free
antibiotics, let’s build
apartments with a separate bedroom for every child
inflatable plastic sofas, vitamin pills
with all our daily requirements
that come in the mail
free gas & electric & telephone &
no rent, why not?

hey man, let’s make a revolution, let’s
turn off the power, turn on the
stars at night, put metal
back in the earth, or at least not take it out
anymore, make lots of guitars and flutes, teach the chicks
how to heal with herbs, let’s learn
to live with each other in a smaller space, and build
hogans, and domes and teepees all over the place
into flower pots or sculptures or live
in the bigger ones, why not?

Here's another one i like.

My Lover's Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun
for Sheppard

These eyes are amber, they
have no pupils, they are filled
w/a blue light (fire).
They are the eyes of gods
the eyes of insects, straying
godmen of the galaxy, metallic
Those eyes were green
are still, sea green, or grey
their light
less defined. These sea-green
eyes spin dreams on the
palpable air. They are not yrs
or mine. It is as if the dead
saw thru our eyes, other for a moment
borrowed these windows, gazing.
We keep still. It is as if these windows
filled for a minute w/a different

Not blue, not amber. But the curtain drawn
over our daily gaze is drawn aside.
Who are you, really. I have seen it
often enough, the naked
gaze of power. We "charge"
the other with it / the leap
into non-betrayal, a wind
w/ out sound we live in. Where
are we, really, climbing
the sides of buildings to peer in
like spiderman, at windows
not our own

A website with some more of her writing.

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